Monday, March 30, 2009 at 11:23AM
Admin in Paintings, rev09 sketch paint

I spent all of yesterday painting here at Reverie. It was fun but it was at the expense of getting feedback from the wealth of talent here. I am going to be focusing more mining the available resources today.

Here are my paintings from yesterday.

Update on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 5:40PM by Registered CommenterAdmin

I submitted this to the thunderdome competition here at Reverie. I want to keep working with it.

Watching Aleksi work in person really inspired me to try some new techniques as far as painting and using photos. I want to try my hand at doing more environmental pieces. They are a lot more fun to do when I feel like I have more creativity and control over the space.

Article originally appeared on Vandal High (http://bugmeyer.squarespace.com/).
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